About The Feet of Shadows

Or, An Invitation to Walk

Reality is harsh to the feet of shadows. But will you come? — The Great Divorce

One of the recurring points we find all throughout the philosophical and theological landscapes is the idea of God as “the Real“ or “true Reality.“ This is the case even in Christendom, and we are called ever-more to get closer to that Reality.

We are called to become real as we were made to be, not as untrue as we are.


The Feet of Shadows is some of my walk towards what’s real. My name is Jacob Andrews-Murphy, a Northern Irish writer living in England, and I’ve always enjoyed walking.

So did C.S. Lewis, I infer. The Great Divorce, from where this publication takes its name, is about a walk towards reality and the encounters a long the way. It’s one of my favourite of Lewis’. Maybe it’s a theme for Ulstermen, but I digress.

If you’re interested in the journey, need a companion on your own way, or want something to read for reading’s sake, you’re welcome to walk through the posts here.

In the end, maybe we’ll all become who we were really made to be.

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A Pilgrimage toward Reality, with Jacob Andrews-Murphy


26-year-old writer, Catholic, lover of podcasts and dusty old bookshops. Writing over at http://feetofshadows.blog/